
bows & leather

white shirt with bow, H&M
faux leather skirt, H&M
black wooly tights, Primark
black brogues, F&F at Tesco
swallow ring, Primark
other rings, gifts
nails, No. 7 in Coral Kiss

Its only been like 5 days, but I feel like I haven't blogged in ages! Not much is happening, same old, same old. I break-up from college for half term after this week. But it won't be much fun because I'll be working like every day and night.. nice life Monica.
 I bought this shirt a couple of months ago, and I simply couldn't resist the cute bow and puffy sleeves! But this was the first time I've worn it because I didn't really know what to match it with. My leather skirt arrived last week and I just thought it was perfect to wear with the shirt:) I'm quite a colourful person so I don't really wear just black and white so much but it was quite refreshing.
Did everyone have a lovely Valentines? I had a amazing night with my friends on Saturday before we went to a Valentines Party. Playing Ring of Fire and Ke$ha blasting, good times! I went out for a meal with my good friend Ryan on Valentines Day :) The food was yummy and I had a great night, even if he forgot to bring my card!
Tomorrow is officially.. Rose Day! Well that's what she likes to call it... Its her 17th birthday and I'm super excited to go to her house with Jodi. We're have a girly night, watching movies and ordering a chinese. 
I'm thinking of attending the blogger meet-up in March! It sounds like a lot of fun and I'd love to meet fellow fashion bloggers. So hopefully I'll be able to get things sorted :)
Love Monica,xx


  1. Love that skirt & Top..hair looks gorgeous too!! x

  2. I love love love your style, that shirt is amazing and I love what you've put with it:D
    ahh, and your rings. amazing.
    glad you had a lovely valentines day :D xxx

  3. I love this outfit, its perfect! The shirt is gorgeous! I never find anything like this in H&M!

  4. lovely outfit, that bow looks so cute! Your hair always looks beautiful! Good to hear you had an amazing valentines day! Xx

  5. I'm not in 2 leather clothing, like the bow though
    Don't forget I gave u an award read about it on my blog

  6. you look gorgeous, I saw this top in the shop a few times and now i'm totally regretting not buying it! :(

  7. You look gorgeous! New follower! <3


  8. lovely shirt! and your rings are really cool.

    ( i have only just started my own blog, thats why it's so bare!)

  9. This preppie look is something i love...with outfits like this you now have 1 more new follower x



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