
the green blue revival

turquoise shirt, ARK
floral shorts, eBay but from Topshop
denim jacket, Primark
belt, Primark
pearl bracelets, Primark

Hello hello. Just a little outfit I wore a couple of days ago. And I only just had chance to take pictures before the thundering and lightening and terrential rain started. Oh the English weather. I've been playing a tennis match today but unfortunately it got rained off. I was winning though!
This outfit is a little 'last year' for me, simply because I wore the denim jacket and floral shorts a lot last summer, but I paired it with the turquoise shirt for a bit of rule breaking. 'Blue and green should never be seen, without a colour imbetween.'
New timetable starts at college next week which will be a refreshing change. Can't get over the fact that on Friday week A I have the whole day off eeeeee.
I placed a massive order on Romwe a few days ago so I'm mega excited for my purchases to arrive! Its my first time shopping on there after seeing lots of my favourite bloggers mentioning the site, so I have high hopes!
Also excuse the last photo, I got a little carried away editing that'en.
Love Monica,xxx


  1. Your style is really amazing!! I've decided to start following you because I think your inspirational. Check out my blog if you like (: xx

  2. i love your style! definitely loving all the outfits i just check out, glad i found your blog, following!
    loving this skirt by the way, gorgeous!
    Krissy xoxo


  3. such a cute look!


  4. i love the studs on your jacket and the florals :) xx

  5. So cute :P I've never heard that rule before but if it does exist, I think you've broken it really well haha! Can't wait to see what you bought!

    Castle Fashion

  6. Wow, beautiful outfit :)))

    LOVE from Germany

    MY English Fashion Blog:


  7. Wowzers the last photo is absolutely beautiful, I'm excited to see what you got from Romwe. I really want to get some things but don't want to be stuck with huge customs charges! x

  8. You look beaut can't believe the denim's from primark love it. Your shirts so pretty <3

  9. Love this outfit, you're shorts are lovely (: x

  10. so glad I found your blog - i love your outfits, all so inspiring.


  11. Oh, I love that turquoise shirt, it's beautiful. x


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