
leopard religion

leopard cross tee, Urban Outfitters
burgundy shorts, Miss Selfridge (my sister's)
black tights, Primark
lace-up boots, vintage
leopard print belt, Dorothy Perkins
sunglasses, Primark
hat, H&M
mustard satchel, Primark
nails, Barry M in Blue Moon

I stole this shorts off my younger sister, who claims to 'never read my blog', so she'll never know right?! I guess this is just another outfit showing my mustard and burgundy obsession, oh and the leopard print! If anyone follows me on twitter, you'll know I wear this boots almost everyday of my life. They're just so versatile!
I'm kinda boy-cotting shopping until after Christmas because I know how cheap everything will be. I'm obviously still buying gifts but it'll be more fun if I leave it for a while. Shopping on ebay and charity shopping doesn't count btw!
Not much going on at the moment, lots of studying as always. Got my UCAs application sent off so I'm SUPER excited at the possibility of recieving offers!
Love Monica,xxxx


  1. Such a nice outfit. Burgundy and black goes so well together x

  2. Love those shorts of your sister! Lovely outfit :) and whaaat are you applying to UCA? What course, what campus?

  3. Great pictures! I love the shorts and your hair. ♥

  4. Wooo! I swear you are the queen of beautiful leopard print things! I love it. What a cool bag and I love the colour of your shorts. I hope you get some offers! Good luck. <3

  5. Great colours!! And I love your shorts!! :D

  6. Great outfit; love the leopard print cross tee, especially paired with the burgundy shorts! :)

    <3 Shawna

  7. one of my favourite outfits :)
    that top is on my wishlist too <3 x

  8. amazing outfit :D I'm following you now :D

    pls check out my blog, it would mean a lot



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