
St. James' Park

Grey dip hem tank, c/o Boohoo
Leather look skirt, c/o Boohoo
Black tights, Primark
Rings, Primark and my Grandma's
Nails, Topshop in Green Room

Photography by Josh Gooding (http://www.joshgooding.co.uk/)

First of all, sorry for a very photo-heavy post! Josh and I did a bit of exploring and took photos by Trafalgur Square, St.James Park and Buckingham Palace, all in my gap between university and work earlier in the week. Although most of the parks are usually fairly dreary and bare this time of year, we managed to find some nice spots on our wander. We found a cute little playground and took some shot on the swings - I was very much loving being a kid again. I really am just so happy at the moment, I love life in London.
I'm jetting off to Barcelona next Monday for a trip with university, which I'm super excited about! I haven't visited the city before, have you got any recommendations of places to visit? 
As for the outfit, I'm wearing a grey tank and leather look skirt from Boohoo. I've bought items from the website before and not been 100% happy, but on this occasion, I'm loving my purchase. I believe this is the sixth leather skirt in my collection, ooops. Once again, this week these H&M boots have not left my feet... LOVE THEM.
I was lucky enough to attend an event held by Littlewoods to launch Lydia Bright's collection last week and I've shared a couple of snaps (below)! It was so lovely to meet all the other lovely bloggers including EllaMichelle and Aisling. Lydia herself was so lovely and I was very impressed with her designs, make sure to have a look here!
Hope you've all had a great week. Remember to follow me on Twitter (@helloomonica) and on Instagram (@monicabarleycorn). 



  1. i just love your style and your hair. I really like reading you blog. :)

  2. You look amazing, and these pictures are gorgeous! Such a wonderful outfit, you look so so lovely! xxx

  3. The photos are amazing, I really like this outfit, especially that coat! Every time I read about what you get up to in London it makes me wish I lived there too!

  4. Your outfit posts are always so lovely. I am also incredibly jealous of your jacket! x

  5. Your photographer is amazing! (And I like your outfits of course.)

  6. You look so sweet! I love the big cardi and your nail polish x

  7. These pictures are just beautiful! Love the swing one :)

    Aimée x

  8. Love these photos! Great work :)

    Jennifer x


  9. Need a bag like this!! Amazing outfit, love your coat!!



  10. I love your outfit that you're wearing when you met Lydia :) great post! xx

  11. I love both your outfits! Looked like a lovely event :) x

  12. Such a lovely outfit, looks like you had a great time! I have just found your blog and is beautiful!


  13. I love that tweed coat, and the locations are gorgeous! Lovely blog you have here. Stay stylish :)


  14. Such lovely photos! Your coat, boots and necklace are so gorgeous x


  15. I love your style. You look gorgeous! <3


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