It would be somewhat an understatement to say that 2016 has been a pretty crazy year for all of us. Between Brexit and Trump becoming President, 2016 is going to be memorable year for the history books. And the scary thing is, the year isn't even over yet. Political news aside, my life has changed a lot in 2016 too. Graduating from university and starting a graduate role with Urban Outfitters has been a huge life adjustment but I guess that's all part of growing up. Losing a loved one is something I've had to deal with this year too and adjusting to the change around you is never something you can really prepare for.

Brexit was a huge "da fuq" moment of this year for me. I was with the majority of young people in Britain who voted remain. My argument? The economical factors, the prosperity and the unity. But the majority disagreed and I woke up on Brexit mourning (pardon the pun) to a world of uncertainty, with little faith left in my country, feeling totalling unprepared for the road ahead. Since the referendum result was announced in June, thing have yet to take a turn for the worst. I'd describe myself as a very optimistic person, always hearing the word "yes" when people said "maybe". But leaving the EU made me question whether I'd lose my job, whether I'd end up struggling even more to keep up with the rising prices of London and just how dark the times ahead would be. It's important to be realistic in these times of change but also continue to strive for greatness, be fearless and not back down. But also, for a democracy to work, we have to trust the majority vote. And with that majority, I hope it was the right decision for all our sakes.
How are we going to deal with the repercussions of leaving the EU or the fact that an unqualified reality TV star now has the most powerful job in the world? There is no point dwelling on the changes that have happened or questioning the system. What's done is done and we must move forward together. Speak about whats going on around you and understand each other's opinions. Learn, be accepting and strive for what you believe in.

But once the uni life is over, we all begin to feel a little lost and its time to start making adult decisions. Do I want to travel? What do I want to do as a career? Where do I want to live? Between studying, blogging and my part-time job while at university, I also made sure to get as much experience as I could to stand me in good stead of getting a job when graduating. Some people would see me as 'lucky' but I don't see any luck involved in working your ass off and preparing yourself for change. Its also important to prepare to be rejected and not to take it to heart. As the saying goes "one door closes and another door opens" and I think a lot in life is about timing.
Dealing with grief is somewhat a taboo subject here on the internet. And I'm not going to begin to pour out all my feelings and personal experiences out onto this page, but grief is something we all have to go through at some point in our lives. We see death in the media every single day but it really hits home when you have to deal with the loss of a loved one first hand. A person who was once part of your life no longer exists and it can be a pretty strange concept to get your head round. You have to learn to laugh about the good times and given in to the tears when you're feeling low. Death is never something you can really prepare for, even when you may know its going to happen. But you have to know you'll get through it and those moments of weakness will make you a stronger person.
Monica x
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