Fashion fuels my hobby, my job and my whole lifestyle. If you had taken a peek into my room before, you might have said I was a bit of a hoarder and maybe I still am, a little. Not to the extent of my Mum I have to say, who's the kind of woman who has kept every single receipt since the '90s, but perhaps too possessions too that have a particular memory or sentimental value attached. I can't complain too much, she's passed down many items from her younger days and even from my Grandma's wardrobe that I adore. From hand-knitted cardigans to sterling silver rings, superb quality and timeless vintage pieces that I am very lucky to own.
Since moving house in September just gone and having to actually lug all possessions from one end of London to the other, shit got real. Do I really still need this cutout bodycon dress that hasn't seen an outing in the last 5 years? Why am I keeping things that are a representation of who I used to be and not who I am now? I've learnt through the process of cleansing my wardrobe that life is full of unnecessary clutter, both physical and mental. Sometimes something as simple as tidying your wardrobe can really feel make your home environment feel happier, brighter and cleaner through organisation.
The questions you have to ask yourself when having a clear out are:
When was the last time I wore it?
Is it sentimental?
Do I avoid wearing it?
Does it belong to who I used to be?
Does it fit me anymore?
Would someone else get better use out of this than me?
Do I own something similar that I like better?
Did this item only just survive my last wardrobe clear out?
When answering questions like these, I believe it's important to be ruthless but also savvy. Even though an item like this wide leg jumpsuit only just survived one clearcut, I decided to incorporate a season's trend restyling it into something I would wear. And trust me when I say, I'm the least artistic or creative person you'll ever meet, so if I can do it, there really is hope for anyone. Cutting wideleg trousers into culottes is super simple and you don't even have to be neat with it because hey - raw hem is on trend right??

Decluttering doesn't mean simply throwing thing in the bin (please don't do that!). Once I've accumulated a pile of clothes that did not survive the wardrobe clear out, I first offer to my friends and family. Although some items no longer fit me or are too similar to something I already own, they may put a huge smile on someone else's face. Failing that, eBay and Depop are next, simple websites/apps to list your unwanted items and make some money back on what you spent. Its important to know what you are likely to get for your clothes, so make sure to do your research before listing pre-loved items to get an idea of pricing, the things you can do such as SEO to make your items easier to be found and promoting through your social media channels. I've been buying and selling on eBay for years and although listing can be quite time-consuming, it sure is worth it when you see the money rolling back through! Having said that, there are still items I've been relisting on eBay a good while that have failed to attract buyers time and time again. At this point I head down to my local charity shop or clothing recycling bin with bags of items that will hopefully be loved again by a new owner.
Monica x
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